Annual Bahrain Rheumatology Conference
Buthaina Al Adba
Senior Attending Physician Rheumatology
Sidra Medicine
Senior attending physician at Sidra Medicine. Member of Qatari Physician Association. Member at American College of Rheumatology
Dr. Buthaina Al Adba is a senior attending physician at Sidra Medicine. She obtained her medical degree at King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia, followed by a pediatric residency at Hamad Medical Corporation. Dr. Al Adba is certified by Arab Board Health Specialization in general pediatric (CABP) in 2011. She completed fellowship training in Pediatric Rheumatology in Sickids Hospital at Toronto, Canada in 2015.
After fellowship training, she worked at Hamad Medical Corporation before joining Sidra Medicine in 2017.
Dr. Al Adba is associated program director for the pediatric Rheumatology fellowship program
Dr. Al Adba established a multi-disciplinary clinic to treat Aicardi Goutieres Syndrome (AGS) with a team approach. She won the “Outstanding Patient Experience” award at Sidra. She is pioneering the patient passport program at Sidra with the quality and safety team.
Dr. Al Adba is a peer reviewer for the Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal and has spoken on auto-inflammatory diseases at conferences in the Gulf region.
Dr. Al Adba is a member of the Pediatric Rheumatology Arab Group (PRAG) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).
Dr. Buthaina is a member in the following
- Member at American Collogue of Rheumatology (ACR)
- Member of childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CAARA)
- Member at Pediatric Rheumatology Arab Group (PRAG)
- Peer review – Rheumatology online Journal
- Member of Qatari Physician Association
- Member in Sobi Advisory Board
- Member of Fragile Bone Project in Sidra Medicine